Finding Balance This Autumn 

Balance in the body is the foundation for balance in Life.
— B. K. S Iyengar.

Autumn is the time of year for reflecting and letting go of things that are not serving us.

As the months get cooler, the trees let go of their leaves, allowing room for balance before a new chapter and growth. Maybe we need to take a moment and listen to what nature is telling us: Can we reflect, let go of anything not serving us and find balance? 

Balance in the body:

Practising physical balancing or Asana in yoga is something we all need.

Did you know that after the age of 50, our balance starts to decline? It is a skill that takes patience & practice. Asana can help us focus and concentrate, as well as relieving stress from our systems.

Increasing our body awareness and control allows us to feel strong and allow us to accept of our body.

And from a teaching point of view, balancing work makes our yoga flows a little bit more fun and creative!

Balance in the mind

By practising balance we build mental resilience.

I’m sure you have had moments in your yoga practice where you are just feeling a little annoyed that you can't balance - I know I certainly have. But what this does is build durability, and allow us to understand our thoughts and emotions.

By practising yoga regularly we get to learn more about our thought process, how our breath affects our feelings and overall wellbeing. By taking time from our day to stop, we find that balance.

Ever thought about why we do grounding at the start of class and Savasana at the end? With many of us living such a busy lifestyle, offering this time during my classes allows time for everyone to stop, find quietness and balance in our minds. 


How To Get The Most From Your Yoga Class


Summer Solstice and International Yoga Day